Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Consumer Survey for Big Bazaar in Ncr - 777 Words

TITLE OF THE STUDY CONSUMER SURVEY FOR BIG BAZAAR IN NCR RATIONALE OF STUDY As customer’s tastes and preferences are changing, the market scenario is also changing from time to time. Today’s market scenario is very different from that of the market scenario before 1990. There have been many factors responsible for the changing market scenario. It is the changing tastes and preference of customer which has bought in a change in the market. Income level of the people has changed; life styles and social class of people have completely changed now than that of olden days. There has been a shift in the market demand in today’s world. Technology is one of the major factors which are responsible for this paradigm shift in the mark. New†¦show more content†¦5. To identify main competitors of Big Bazaar. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Technology, customers tastes and preferences play a vital role in today’s generation. Research Methodology is a set of various methods to be followed to find out various information regarding market strata of different products. Research Methodology is required in every industry for acquiring knowledge of their products. Area of study : - The study is exclusively done in the area of marketing. It is a process requiring care, sophistication, experience, business judgment, and imagination for which there can be no mechanical substitutes. Research Design : - Exploratory Research Sampling Design : - Non Probability sampling- Convenience sampling Sample Size : - 350 Customers Data Collection : - Data is collected from various customers through personal interaction. Specific questionnaire is prepared for collecting data. Data is collected with mere interaction and formal discussion with different respondents. Some other relevant information collected through secondary data Tools of Analysis : - The market survey about the techniques of marketing and nature of expenditure is carried out by personally interacting with the potential customers in Big Bazaar. EXPECTED CONTRIBUTION OF STUDY The study shows customers buying pattern with Big Bazaar in NCR area. Its provide guideline for further research in NCR area for organized retail. Research says aboutShow MoreRelatedRetailing and Modern Retail Formats6961 Words   |  28 Pagesthe Indian retail landscape. Consumer dynamics in India is also changing and the retailers need to take note of this and formulate their strategies and tactics to deliver the exact expected value to the customer. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Dangers Of Secondhand Smoke - 1214 Words

Visualize a world where no one smoked, now how clean the air would be. Imagine the improvement over humanities overall health. Second hand smoke is smoke inhaled involuntarily from tobacco being smoked by others, which is currently a problem here in the United States. The General Surgeon of the United States Departments of Health and Human Services explains â€Å"Secondhand smoke causes approximately 7,330 deaths from lung cancer and 33,950 deaths from heart disease each year† (2014). Many incorporations, not just in the United States, but also all over the world are trying to raise awareness on the negative effects of secondhand smoke and are trying to put an end to smoking in general. In present date companies are trying their best to raise†¦show more content†¦Looking at the advertisement as a whole you can interpret that the main graphic in the image is the young boy, he is simply standing there with an innocent look on his face being choked. When you look closer you can see that the hand that is choking him is simply made out of smoke. Which is where the words across the bottom of the image come into play, â€Å"Your smoking harms your child† (Smokefree). Smokefree has already gained the viewers attention with the graphic meaning that from that point on they are thinking about the advertisement and the information showed. Advertisements have shown to be more effective when there is more of a connection made between the viewer and the topic. In this case, second hand smoking does harm your child. Although many parents that do smoke think that as long as their child is a couple feet away that it is fine to smoke but sadly it is not. The smoke that you are exhaling is going right into the air and being inhaled by your child, practically choking them. SmokeFree uses a small innocent child to add emotion into the advertisement, if they were to just put a picture of an adult or even an animal it wouldn’t make that much of an impac t as it does seeing an innocent child being choked by the smoke. Seeing a small innocent child being choked by the smoke is trying to reach out and show parents what is really happening to their small children. It’s different seeing a

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Case About Rf and Tatarstan Delegation of Authorities Free Essays

THE CASE ABOUT RF AND TATARSTAN DELEGATION OF AUTHORITIES 1. Why Tatarstan was succeeded to be the â€Å"elected† region in terms of its’ authorities? As far as I could understand, the reasons why Tatarstan was chosen for delegation of Authorities and this Agreement are mostly historical. Historical and political preconditions of Tatarstan turned in such way, that Russian Federation and Tatarstan were nearly in equal position. We will write a custom essay sample on The Case About Rf and Tatarstan Delegation of Authorities or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, Tatarstan was independent co-founder of USSR, Tatarstan Tatarstan did not participate in election of State Duma in December 1993, Tatarstan did not sign the Federative Agreement in 1992. This shows the level of independence of Tatarstan from Russian Federation. In my opinion, Tatarstan was not very powerful republic, thus, to keep on developing it needed an alliance. It had political independence, but in terms of resources and power it did not have much. Russia, on the other hand, wanted to avoid appearance of another country just in the very heart of it. To avoid repeat of Chechnya Case, Russian Authorities decided to change the way they behave about it. Instead of gaining power using military forces, Russian Federation took the way of diplomacy and political alliance. Thus, we can say that both sides needed this agreement, bith sides could benefit from it, but in my opinion, Tatarstan would need it more than Russia, in the case of different location. 2. Suggest some more or less objective criteria to select regions for establishing special favorable regime of relations with the federal center. This question in my point of view cannot have theoretical solution, because in any different case there would be new accomplishments and new terms, that would challenge the theory pretty much. But still, some tips could be defined. I think that in century of innovations and technological development, very important aspect would be potential rate of development of the region. It’s not important how much the region is developed, it’s much more vital – how can we develop it. In what way we can grow industry, or culture or trade or any other side of life of country. This criterion is very subjective, I understand this, but this is more an advantage than a disadvantage. Because government should realize itself, for what reason it needs the region, why it is necessary to develop favorable relations with this or that region, in what way it could be profitable. From history of Russian Empire we know examples of having totally useless for Empire regions (Poland) and caused a lot of trouble in tries to keep it quiet and not rebelling. 3. What is the author’s opinion on respect of whether special delegation of authorities between Tatarstan and RF is a good thing? Do you agree with him and why? On example of RF and Tatarstan Agreement we can see how idea of federal construction, integration and decentralization actually works. Author has very positive opinion about creating decentralized country and going on forward in development of this way. I do not have any real opinion about this, but if we look at 70 years of centralized country, and look at what do we have to suffer afterwards, I would say that decentralization is the right way to develop country federal structure, so that all the knowledge and all the experience is circulating among regions, and let develop the weak. How to cite The Case About Rf and Tatarstan Delegation of Authorities, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Human Factors And The Weekend Pilot Essay Example For Students

Human Factors And The Weekend Pilot Essay If any area of aviation could benefit from realistic and workable human factors solutions, its the area of general aviation (GA) and the weekend pilot. Many of the aircraft flow by the weekend pilot are older and do not have the benefits of modern flight deck design. However, the demands on these pilots, as far as maintaining radio contact with air traffic control and operating their aircraft in crowded airspace has increased. Air traffic control is generally speaking, less tolerant of the weekend pilot, yet this type of GA pilot is expected to perform as expeditiously as the pilot who flies for a living. Human factors research and design needs to be applied to the weekend pilots operating environment with the same vigor as it is applied to the rest of the aviation system. Some positive changes have been made. Visual charts or maps, which the weekend pilot uses to help navigate in visual flight conditions, have become user friendly. High traffic areas are color-coded for easy identification (and avoidance). Visual flight corridors, where weekend pilots can navigate through high traffic areas and around busy commercial airports, are also clearly marked for ease of use. This type of map design has clear human factors design inputs. Graphics (color and print) are quickly recognizable by the pilot to minimize the time the pilot spends on information processing. Less cognitive

Friday, November 29, 2019

South Africa Investments

The corresponding principles of the utilitarian benefits of Caltex plant creation was reckoned to be a violation of rights of some particular layers of the society of the past century. Racial prejudices became the greatest obstacle not only in interpersonal relations but also in the rapid developments of the building of the plant.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on South Africa Investments specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The management of Texaco and SoCal companies that jointly owned Caltex Petroleum Company thought that benefits should be expanded and remained in the country for the population. It highlighted improvement of the economic working conditions of blacks working for the company. They also committed to the implementation of the Sullivan principles drafted by an American reverend Deon Sullivan. The Investments in South Africa played an essential part in the development of certain benefits accrued to the m ajor population in South Africa. The Sullivan principles basically stated that there would be no racial segregation within the work premises, equal opportunities for employment for people of all races and equal pay for equal jobs regardless of race. The code also suggested increase majority holders of supervisory positions and welfare facilities for the non-white workers outside the work set up. The management of these companies was not ignorant to the fact that some of the principles would go against the law of segregation in the country. They pledged to use the required channels for any modifications required. All these good intentions for the majority groups were noble and good on paper but it was evident that their implementation would be impeded by the law of segregation in the country. Regardless of these new policies, the majority groups are still faced violation of rights and justice. The white government would still implement its laws barring Africans from becoming apprenti ces. Oppression in regard to job opportunities and payment of wages was not going to end seeing as how blacks and whites cold not hold equal positions. The principles were out to slightly improve conditions for the minority groups at the workplaces only. This would not greatly impact their lives since their basic rights had been denied in all aspects of their lives and from all the points of view.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They had no claim to the land they were born in, they could not vote for their leaders or hold mass action. The management of Texaco and SoCal would therefore not help improve the condition for majority groups in South Africa. Several resolutions were proposed by human rights activists. The first proposal was for Caltex to terminate its activities on South African soil. As a shareholder, I would have voted for this proposed resolution. The white gove rnment had been inflicting a tremendous amount of suffering on the majority groups. The rest of the world just watched seemingly helpless. The liberation of South Africa would have been achieved by collective responsibility of corporate organizations and the world at large. I believe a vote for this resolution would have ideally been a vote for the majority groups in the county. Though, it would probably have been criticized as a drastic measure, it would have certainly been called for given the extreme nature of the situation. It would have been a selfless and humane move that would have transformed South Africa. The second resolution asked Caltex not to sell the military or police of South Africa. I would have voted against. It was naive of the activists to imagine that the white government would have allowed that. The country was not in anarchy, and any corporation operating on South African land had to obey its laws. It would not also have prompted the government to liberate the majority but only achieved hostility given that it targeted government forces. The third proposal was asking the company to implement the Tutu principles. This proposal to me would have been more practical than the first and I would have voted for it. This is because it addressed the lives of the majority as a whole and not only their work related issues. It would ensure that the black people lived with their families, recognition of black labor unions, fair labor practices and investment in education. This would have made positive change in the lives of the majority.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on South Africa Investments specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The managers of Texaco and SoCal, I believe, would have responded differently to the proposed resolution. The management should have endorsed the proposal to terminate its activities in South Africa. They should have made the decision to leave the country wit hin a specified period of time. Within this period, they should have planned on where to relocate their business to. By doing so, they would have fulfilled their moral obligation to end oppression. By making the alternative business plan, they would have fulfilled their primary business objective which is to make profits for their stockholders. Management should also have considered the second proposal by issuing an ultimatum to the white government. This might be considered arm- twisting, but it would have enabled them fulfill their obligation to society. This could result in a situation whereby the need for negotiation and dialogue would have been inevitable. They would have gained a forum to address the plight of the majority in the country. This would have brought them a step closer to liberation Tutu’s conditions should have been a primary objective to management more so because it involved different aspects of the lives of the black people. Texaco and SoCal should have led by example and adopted these conditions. This would probably have been an incentive to other corporations in South Africa to do the same. It would have been a milestone in the liberation of the country. They would have gone down in history as having initiated positive change in South Africa. The entire management of the Caltex Company has a wide range of duties that lie in the basis of ensuring the impacts of and for stockholders. It has a responsibility to its consumers and society at large.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It has a duty to its consumers to ensure high quality goods and services, provide after-sale services and adequate product information. To the society, management has the responsibility to support development projects and help in environmental conservation efforts. There is also provision of recreational facilities. Management should think twice before making the corresponding decisions as for the development of the company and do not pay much attention to the investments but act according to the most possibly successful criteria. It should therefore also seek to act responsibly to its society. It should abide to the business code of ethics and seek the good of everyone in its environs. Management should not turn a blind eye to issues such as political instability and oppression. By doing so, it will gain the goodwill of people that in turn may contribute to the success of the business enterprise. This essay on South Africa Investments was written and submitted by user Rashad Gomez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

A Selection of Quotes by Jomo Kenyatta

A Selection of Quotes by Jomo Kenyatta Jomo Kenyatta was an activist and politician in Kenya who led the country as Prime Minister in 1963 and then as President in 1964. He is credited for his part in turning Kenya into an independent republic. He died in office at the age of 81. Quotes If Africans were left in peace on their own lands, Europeans would have to offer them the benefits of white civilization in real earnest before they could obtain the African labor which they want so much. They would have to offer the African a way of life which was really superior to the one his fathers lived before, and a share in the prosperity given them by their command of science. They would have to let the African choose what parts of European culture could be beneficially transplanted, and how they could be adapted ... The African is conditioned, by cultural and social institutions of centuries, to freedom of which Europe has a little conception, and it is not in his nature to accept serfdom forever. Europeans assume that, given the right knowledge and ideas, personal relations can be left largely to take care of themselves, and this is perhaps the most fundamental difference in outlook between Africans and Europeans. You and I must work together to develop our country, to get education for our children, to have doctors, to build roads, to improve or provide all day-to-day essentials. To .. all the dispossessed youth of Africa: for the perpetuation of communion with ancestral spirits through the fight for African freedom, and in the firm faith that the dead, the living, and the unborn will unite to rebuild the destroyed shrines. Our children may learn about the heroes of the past. Our task is to make ourselves the architects of the future. Where there has been racial hatred, it must be ended. Where there has been tribal animosity, it will be finished. Let us not dwell upon the bitterness of the past. I would rather look to the future, to the good new Kenya, not to the bad old days. If we can create this sense of national direction and identity, we shall have gone a long way to solving our economic problems. Many people may think that now there is Uhuru, now I can see the sun of Freedom shining, richness will pour down like manna from Heaven. I tell you there will be nothing from Heaven. We must all work hard, with our hands, to save ourselves from poverty, ignorance, and disease. If we respect ourselves and our Uhuru, foreign investment will pour in and we will prosper. We do not want to oust the Europeans from this country. But what we demand is to be treated like the white races. If we are to live here in peace and happiness, racial discrimination must be abolished. God said this is our land, land in which we flourish as people... we want our cattle to get fat on our land so that our children grow up in prosperity; and we do not want the fat removed to feed others.

Friday, November 22, 2019

European Court of Justice on the Free Movement of Workers Essay

European Court of Justice on the Free Movement of Workers - Essay Example e territory of Member States for this purpose; (c) to stay in a Member State for the purpose of employment in accordance with the provisions governing the employment of nationals of that State laid down by law, regulation or administrative action; (d) to remain in the territory of a Member State after having been employed in that State, subject to conditions which shall be embodied in implementing regulations to be drawn up by the Commission. 4. The provisions of this article shall not apply to employment in the public service. The freedom of movement for workers is one of the four essential economic freedoms guaranteed under the treaty; namely, free movement of goods, services, labour and capital. This right has both the ‘horizontal effect’ and the ‘vertical direct effect’. This effectively means that a private citizen cannot only move against state or governmental agencies, but also seek redressal for infringement by private and non-governmental persons. ( Case C-415/93)4. Historical Background In 1952, the European Coal and Steel Community, (ECSC) contained the first provision with respect to some basic measures aimed at facilitating the free movement of workers within the EU. This provision required the member states to remove any and all nationality-based restrictions for the citizens with respect to employment within the coal and steel industry. However, this provision also stipulated that only qualified workers within the coal and steel sectors were accorded this privilege and not any other skilled workforce. The most monumental development as far the free movement of workers is concerned happened in the year 1957 with the creation of the European Economic Community.5 Art. 39 of the EC Treaty empowered workers within the EC to accept any offers of... The paper tells that in 1952, the European Coal and Steel Community, (ECSC) contained the first provision with respect to some basic measures aimed at facilitating the free movement of workers within the EU. This provision required the member states to remove any and all nationality-based restrictions for the citizens with respect to employment within the coal and steel industry. However, this provision also stipulated that only qualified workers within the coal and steel sectors were accorded this privilege and not any other skilled workforce. The most monumental development as far the free movement of workers is concerned happened in the year 1957 with the creation of the European Economic Community. Art. 39 of the EC Treaty empowered workers within the EC to accept any offers of employment made by any other member state. As a natural corollary, it also empowered such persons to move freely within the EC Community as well as reside and remain within such state for the purposes of e mployment. However, it is also pertinent to note that these rights were accorded with certain reasonable limitations which were duly justified on the grounds of public policy, public security, public health and the like. The right was also not applicable in the case of employment in public service. While it is evident that these restrictions are not merely based on purely economic considerations, and also take into account certain sociological elements, the fine print with respect to the restriction is actually contained in the two implicit limitations which have been concealed within the justified ground of public policy.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Conveyancing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Conveyancing - Essay Example The entire such rights vest legally in a person only on registration. The registration procedure, therefore, places an official "seal" on a person's rights in fixed property. "Fixed property" is any land, whether enhanced or not such as a house, farm or sectional title flat. A conveyancing deal involves a chain of steps which begins with the deeds of sale and which continues throughout to the vital registration of ownership and the resolution of money and payments (BRACTON, H. de,2002). A conveyancer is considered as such by the High Court after having concluded a particular qualifying examination. In totaling, only a person who has been considered by the High Court as an Attorney, may perform as a conveyancer. the entire conveyancers are so, also attorneys (BRIDGMAN, o.,2004). To be considered, the person has to entire the requisite academic studies (typically four or more years for the obligatory law degree), then a stage of "articles" or labor in a law-office for the required familiarity and then an wide practical test. If the skilled attorney wishes to follow in the highly technical branch of the law commerce with fixed property, he or she has to do rigorous study of a large number of Acts of Parliament, regulations, High Court verdicts along with verdicts by Registrars of Deeds linking to fixed property. Then he or she has to surpass a conveyancing examination. Only after transitory this inspection will the High Court permit the attorney to carry out as a conv eyancer. Who can do conveyancing work' There are three options to get conveyancing done: - licensed conveyancer - solicitor - do it yourself. Before start organising conveyancing, it's essential to execute groundwork foremost. Who appoints a conveyancer' In South Africa, the customary practice is for the vendor to sign up a conveyancer for a assets deal, though this, like further aspects of a trade contract, can be assorted as a outcome of cooperation among the parties (BRITTON, 2005). The buyer may also hire a conveyancer to counsel him or her, but such charges will be larger than and over the conveyancing costs submitted by the seller's conveyancer, who will be performing the real transfer. Using a conveyancer In many countries, conveyancers ought to be licensed with the Office of Fair Trading. The majority conveyancers grasp an unlimited licence that allows them to carry out the complete range of conveyancing job for housing, business and rustic assets. Conveyancers are licensed to do legal job such as preparing documents, providing legal counsel on contracts and explaining the problems (BROOKE, R., 2002). Before a person chooses to utilize an exacting conveyancer, make sure if they are licensed with high court foremost. Licensed conveyancers should have expert guarantee indemnity to defend clients in case they build a blunder or are neglectful in their work.If they are deceitful with the money have entrusted to them, usually client may has right to use to the reimbursement Fund administered by the Office of Fair trading. Using a solicitor No doubt conveyancers and solicitors are evenly capable to perform conveyancing

Monday, November 18, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 27

Assignment Example The exemption to this was for those at the constitution adoption time. The person should be at least 35 years of age. The person should have lived in the United States for at least fourteen years which do not have to be consequent. The president of the United States should probably not be a native born American, anyone who qualifies to be the president with good leadership can be a united sates president. Once the person has the qualities to lead the person is able to perform well the office work. There are those that are not born in the United States but have acquired citizenship in the states. They should also be allowed to feel as members of the states. Unelected justice should be allowed to make decisions on the personal held beliefs. When they are allowed to make the decision on the personal held beliefs since the beliefs can be true and bring change to the Supreme Court. This can bring less criticism of SCOTUS on its

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Leonhard Euler | An Introduction

Leonhard Euler | An Introduction Born in Basel, Switzerland on 15th April 1707, Leonhard Euler was arguably the brightest mathematician of all time. The Swiss mathematician and physicist is considered a pioneer in many fields of mathematics. He introduced a lot of the mathematical terminology and notation used today and he is considered the father of mathematical analysis where, for instance, he introduced the notation of a mathematical function, f(x). His contributions to the field of mathematics are in analytic and differential geometry, calculus, the calculus of variation, differential equations, series and the theory of numbers. In physics, although really all his contributions to mathematics apply to physics, he introduced both rigid body mechanics and analytical mechanics (Kline, 401-402). Born to Paul Euler and Margarete Bruckner, Leonhard was the first of six children. He grew up in Riehen but attended school in Basel. Although mathematics was not taught in his school his father had kindled his interest in the subject (Paul Euler had been friends with another great mathematician at the time, Johann Bernoulli) by giving him lessons at home. Euler entered university at the age of 13 at the University of Basel. Although his official courses of study were philosophy and law, Euler met with Johann Bernoulli who advised Euler and gave him help with his mathematical studies on Saturday afternoons (Stillwell, 188). Euler lived and worked mainly in Russia and Germany. First he joined the faculty at St Petersburg Academy of Sciences were he worked at first in the medical department then he was quickly promoted to a senior position in the department of mathematics through the influence of his friend Daniel Bernoulli. He also helped the Russian government on many projects including serving in the Russian navy as a medical Lieutenant. After the death of Catherine I in1740 and because of the tough conditions that ensued, Euler moved to Germany at the invitation of Prussian King, Frederick II to the Prussian Academy of Science were he stayed for the next 25 years of his life. Euler gave much service to the Academy which compensated him generously. He sent most of his works to be published there, served as a representative as well as advising the Academy on its many scientific activities. It is there that he reached the peak of his career writing about 225 memoirs on almost every topic in physics and m athematics (Varadarajan, 11). Euler returned to St. Petersburg in 1766 under the invitation of the then czarina Catherine the Great (Catherine II) to the St Petersburg Academy. During this period he lost almost all his eyesight through a series of illnesses becoming nearly totally blind by 1771. Nevertheless, his remarkable memory saw him writing about 400 memoirs during this time. It is said that he had a large slate board fixed to his desk where he wrote in large letters so that he could view dimly what was being written. He died on the 18th day of September 1783 due to cerebral hemorrhaging. It is also recorded that he was working even to his last breath; calculations of the height of flight of a hot air balloon were found on his board (Varadarajan 13). Eulers contribution to Mathematics and Physics was a lot. His ideas in analysis led to many advances in the field. Euler is famously known for the development of function expressions like the addition of terms, proving the power series expansion, the inverse tangent function and the number e: ∑ (xn/n!)= lim ((1/0!) + (x/1!) + (x2/2!) +†¦+ (xn/n!) ) =ex The power series equation in fact helped him solve the famous 1735 Basel problem: ∑ (1/n2) = lim ((1/12) + (1/22) + (1/32) + †¦+(1/n2)) = Ï€2/6 He introduced the exponential function, e, and used it plus logarithms in analytic proofs. He also defined the complex exponential function and a special case now known as the Eulers Identity: eiφ = cos φ + isin φ And eiÏ€ + 1= 0 (Eulers Identity) In fact, De Moivres formula for complex functions is derived from Eulers formula. Similarly, De Moivre is recognized for the development of calculus of variations, formulating the Euler-Lagrange equation. He was also the first to use solve problems of number theory using methods of analysis. Thus, he pioneered the theories of hyperbolic trigonometric functions, hyper geometric series, the analytic theory of continued fractions and the q-series. In fact, his work in this field led to the progress of the prime number theorem (Dunham 81). The most prominent notation introduced by Euler is f(x) to denote the function, f that maps the variable x. In fact he is the one who introduced the notion of a function to the field of mathematics. He introduced, amongst others, the letter ∑ to mean the sum, Ï€ for the proportion regarding the perimeter of a circle up to the span or the diameter, i for the imaginary unit, √(-1) and the e (2.142†¦) to represent the base of the natural logarithm. Euler also contributed to Applied Mathematics. Interestingly enough, he developed some Mathematics applications into music by which he hoped to incorporate musical theory in mathematics. This was however, not successful. This notwithstanding, Euler did solve real-world problems by applying analytical techniques. For instance, Euler incorporated the Method of Fluxions which was developed by Newton together with Leibnizs differential calculus to develop tools that eased the application of calculus in physical problems. He is remembered for improving and furthering the numerical approximation of integrals, even coming up with the Euler approximations. More broadly, he helped to describe many applications of the constants Ï€ and e, Euler numbers, Bernoulli numbers and Venn diagrams. The Euler-Bernoulli beam equation (one of the most fundamental equations in engineering) is just one of the contributions of the mathematician to physics. He used his analytical skills in classical mechanics and used the same methods in solving celestial problems. He determined the orbits of celestial bodies and calculated the parallax of the sun. He differed with Newton (then the authority in physics) on his corpuscular theory of light. He supported the wave theory of light proposed by Hugens. Eulers contributions to graph theory are at the heart of the field of topology. He is famously known to have solved the Seven Bridges of Konigsberg problem, the solution of which is considered the first theorem of planar graph theory. He introduced the formula V-E+F=2 It is a mathematical formula relating vertices, edges and faces of a planar graph or polyhedron. The constant in the above formula in now called the Euler characteristic. Euler is also recognized for the use of closed curves in the provision of explanation concerning reasoning which is of syllogistic nature. Afterwards the illustration or diagrams were referred to as the Euler diagrams. The Number Theory is perhaps the most difficult branch of mathematics. Euler used ideas in analysis linking them with the nature of prime numbers to provide evidence that the total of all the reciprocals of prime numbers diverges. He also discovered the link between the primes Riemann zeta function, what is now called the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function. Euler made great strides in the Lagrange four-square theorem while proving Fermats theorem on the sum of two squares, Fermats Identities and Newtons identities. Number theory consists of several divisions which include the following: Algebraic Number Theory, Combinational Number theory, Analytic Number Theory, Transcendental number theory, Geometric number theory and lastly we have the Computational Number Theory. For his numerous contributions to academia, Euler won numerous awards. He won the Paris Academy Prize twelve times over the course of his career. He was elected as a foreign member, in 1755, of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences while his image has been featured on many Russian, Swiss and German postage stamps. Above all, he was respected greatly amongst his academic peers demonstrated by a statement made by the great French mathematician, Laplace to his students to read Euler since he was the master of them all (Dunham xiii). Though not all of the proofs of Euler are satisfactory in regard to the current standards or principles used in mathematics, the ideas created by him are of great importance. They have set a path to the current mathematical advancements. To conclude, we can therefore say that Euler is a very significant person in the development and advancement of Mathematics. His work has contributed a lot to mathematics up to the current period. References Dunham, William. Euler: The Master of Us All. Dolciani Mathemathical Expositions Vol. 22. MAAA, 1999. Kline, Morris. Mathematical Thoughts from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol 2. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Stillwell, John. Mathematics and its History. Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer, 2002. Varadarajan, V. S. Euler Through Time: A New Look at Old Themes. AMS Bookstore, 2006.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sonnets: The Power of Love Essay -- Sonnet essays

Sonnets:   The Power of Love  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The majority of Elizabethan sonnets reflect two major themes: time and love. William Shakespeare, too, followed this convention, producing 154 sonnets, many of which deal with the usual theme of love. Because the concept of love is in itself so immense, Shakespeare found several ways to capture the essence of his passion. Therefore, in his poetry he explored various methods and used them to describe the emotions associated with his love for a mysterious "dark lady." These various ideas and views resulted in a series of sonnets that vibrantly depicts his feelings of true, undying love for his lady. Instead of making the topic less interesting, as some might expect, Shakespeare's myriad approaches serve to further the reader's knowledge about the sheer power of true love. Three of Shakespeare's methods that show his ability in this respect are the motif of dreams and thoughts, the examples of the extent of love, and Shakespeare's desire for his sonnets to aid or glorify their love. In many of Shakespeare's sonnets, he frequently mentions the continuous presence of a special lady in his dreams and thoughts. For example, in Sonnet 27, Shakespeare writes about the fact that he is never without his love. This is because during the day he worships her at sight, and at night she invades his dreams. He cannot sleep without her coming, unbidden, into his mind: "Lo, thus by day my limbs, by night my mind/ For thee, and for myself, no quiet find." Contrary to this thought, however, his constant musings of his lady are also a blessing to him. In Sonnet 29, Shakespeare, depressed and envious of others, thinks of his love: "Yet, in these thoughts myself almost despising,/ Haply I think on thee, a... ...that time I do ensconce me here/ Within the knowledge of mine own desert." If he should ever have to live without her, his sonnets will remind him of the love that once was. Shakespeare's sonnets are a romantic and charming series of poems. His use of rhyme and passionate, eloquent language serve to illuminate his strong feelings. These techniques were probably the most fluent way for such a writer as him to express the immeasurable love that he obviously felt for his mysterious lady. Examining the numerous ways Shakespeare found to describe it, the reader believes that this love was undoubtedly lasting and authentic. He often made heart-felt comments about his emotions that could also suit lovers in the present day. Because of this, and the fact that people read them yet, Shakespeare's sonnets are timeless and universal, just like the concept of love itself.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Osoanon Nimuss Poem: Absolutely Nothing Essay

In Osoanon Nimuss’s poem, â€Å"Absolutely Nothing†, the speaker illustrates the constant progression of a child’s youthful optimism from a beaming blaze to a faded ember (â€Å"Innocence Vs. Maturity,† 2010) Most people who have read the book the Perks of Being a Wallflower may recall the poem within it entitled Absolutely Nothing by Osoanon Nimuss. The title was not given directly, but from reading the poem, one can imply that â€Å"Absolutely Nothing† is indeed its title. The poem attracts its reader’s attention because it reveals truths about life that people usually don’t admit to themselves. It may seem disturbing or eerie, but it speaks of reality, of things happening each day to not just one person. Seeing such realities around him may have influenced Nimuss in creating such a poem. The poem was relatively easy to understand, using words which are common to most people. This may be because the author wanted the speaker of the poem to come from the point of view of an average teenager. Nimuss connected several ideas forming a free verse poem consisting of four stanzas that narrates the significant events in the speaker’s life. Each stanza speaks about a particular time in the speaker’s life in which he gains maturity and loses his innocence. Due to the poem’s disturbing content that some would say would negatively influence its readers, many educators frown upon it being taught in school, fearing that students would follow the path that the speaker of the poem chose. True that some may get the idea that suicide is a perfect solution to their problems, but it is up to the reader to judge him or herself whether after reading the poem, he or she still thinks that death is the only rational escape. Though the poem shows a person choosing death over rationally soling his problems, it does not mean that other people would do the same. The poem may even influence some readers to see that suicide is a pathetic solution to one’s problem. Unfortunately, there is very few information that can be researched about Osoanon Nimuss that may explain his way of writing or the reason behind the creation of Absolutely Nothing. Because of this, it cannot be identified whether the poem was based on fact or fiction. In its simplicity, the author showed his brilliance. By putting into simple words what a lot of people cannot explain, he has demonstrated his capacity as an exceptional author. Why would one want to meddle with a work that was already perfect in its own way? And the way Nimuss wrote the ending allowed the reader to see the gravity of the consequences of one’s actions, thus allowing it to leave a mark on the reader’s mind. None can be altered from this poem for even the slightest alteration would greatly affect its effect upon the reader.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Scale of the Post War Golden Age of Economic Growth Enjoyed

In your own words, outline the scale of the post war Golden Age of economic growth enjoyed by Western European nations. The Golden age of Economic growth occurred in the aftermath of World War two and continued until the mid 1970’s and led to the 1970’s recession. During this period of time the World economy expanded at never before seen levels, World output of manufactures quadrupled between 1950 and 1970 and at the same time trade in manufactures increased by 10 times the previous levels.Since then historians and economists have been attempting to explain the reasons for this unprecedented growth. Throughout this essay I am going to focus on the analysis of two particular economic historians Hobsbawn and Crafts. After World War two had ended the previously powerful Europe laid in tatters, France and Germany were virtually destroyed and Britain was near financial ruin. America emerged from World War two as the Largest and most powerful economy in the world and as such decided to aid the recovery of Europe.Clearly a strong Europe was better for America as a trading partner than a weak one. This resulted in America putting into effect the Marshall plan. It was a four year plan the began in April 1948 during this time America gave Europe $13 billion of aid roughly 5% of America’s GDP at the time. This clearly provided a much needed boost to a Europe that agriculture sector had been totally destroyed. Is this then the factor that enabled growth in western Europe.It was clearly a factor that aided growth but could it have been as Cradfts has suggested simply that Western Europe was playing ‘Catch-up’ with countries such as America. â€Å" This meant that growth had been below trend and the opportunity existed for rapid growth by correcting policy errors and repairing damaged economies. † The U. S. A was virtually untouched by WW2 certainly much less than Europe and this enabled rapid growth, once Europe had emerged from WW2, it was able to share in a technology boost that America had previously experienced and ultimately gain such high growth very quickly.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

IVYT 111 Essays - Cognition, Experimental Psychology, Human Behavior

IVYT 111 Essays - Cognition, Experimental Psychology, Human Behavior IVYT 111 10/14/2016 Thinking about work "I like work: It fascinate me. I can sit and look at it for hours" (Jerome K. Jerome). Work is an activity which involves mental or physical effort in order to achieve a purpose. It is also an important aspect of human life for survival. We work for so many reason s , some work to earn more money, some for the joy of it. However, the reason of involving in work arises out of the numerous needs of human beings. In order to meet up with our demand, we undertake different types of work. To work does not necessarily mean making money, it also involv es what you make out of it. It fascinates me to work because it provides a lot of benefits and also keeps the brain active at all time. Moreover, work keeps your soul, mind and body busy throughout the working period. It comes with so many rewards for example insurance, some company supports their staff in paying tuition in school and other but the most important of all is how you are enjoying your work. I have been working for some time now and I can sincerely say that the most rewarding part of my job is that it opened my eyes on certain health issues making it easier to pursue my dream carrier. It gladdens my heart to work each time knowing fully well that everyday come with a knowledge . Working is a wonderful thing to do, but being a supervisor is something that seem impossible. However, being a supervisor is an upliftment from your employer but it come s with a lot of advantages and disa dvantage. The advantages of supervising other people i s that you will be provided with appropriate learning opportunities to develop your skills which is a plus because you are acquiring more knowledge and at the same time be ing paid for it. It also motivates you to work hard. It comes with higher pay, get to be a leader, gain lots of experience, respect will be accorded to you and it give you the opportunity to impact on decision making in the company. Furthermore, the disadvantages of being a supervisor is overwhelming as it makes you to have more goals and responsibilities as you are to be questioned for any work not properly done. It will also expose you to working extra hours, answer to the top authorities, deal with more people and being responsible for people under you as you can hire or fire people. The aspect of hiring and firing people comes with a lot of hatred, enemity and bad names but as a supervisor you have to endure to be able to do an excellent job. In as much as it is important to work to gain a living, it is also necessary to work in order to keep yourself busy as they say" An idle mind is a devil's workshop " living bible(TLB) proverb 16:27- 29. This simply mean that people should be kept busy or something happens. Working keeps the mind busy, develops the brain and also brings happiness. It is a good thing to have a stable work because it helps you to concentrate and give in your best. It is also rewarding , it helps to develop your skills and organizing yourself. The stability of your work brings about a stable income and it creates an avenue for promotion. It is interesting to work because the reward always come at your old age when you can no longer work or do anything. working helps in perfection, success and achieving your goals academically, financially and otherwise.

Monday, November 4, 2019

SUMMARY OF 2 ARTICLES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SUMMARY OF 2 ARTICLES - Essay Example Examples of situations given are the 2008 economic recession and the European debt crisis of 2010. The article begins by describing the financial crisis that had recently engulfed the global economy and the role played by the Bretton woods institutions in restricting financial activities along with the potential for monetary panic. It additionally states that the breakdown of these institutions brought forth great expansions in the scales, scope along with the speculative nature of monetary activities. The global monetary crisis that took place in the year 2008 is described and related to the complex, uncontrolled and interlinked environment of the financial systems found across the globe. It also describes the sovereign debt crisis happening within the European continent as a continuation of this crisis which according to the author has however been utilized by the monetary markets in attempting to reassert their influence. Reforms that are being initiated and implemented within the international monetary system have also been described by the author in the article. The main arg ument presented by the article is that the concepts behind the world wide monetary architecture have been misconceived among the different economies around the globe. The article stipulates that the system required should use national monetary regulation that is coordinated using international organizations. It describes the role of monetary regulation as constraining the power along with the size of the monetary systems to the appropriate levels. Finally, it suggests that member countries should adopt the reforms put forward by organizations like the International Monetary Fund to place the burdens of making adjustments on a country’s population for the purpose of ensuring that all foreign creditors are paid their dues. It is further suggested that after the international creditors have all been paid up, the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Comment on the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comment on the article - Essay Example In this case, you should not have included the semi colon within the sentence because it does not fit there. You have also some sentence structure mistakes, which you need to correct. For example, you state, â€Å"They decide to both die if the game expects only one winner† (Alajmi 4). Here, you have added the word ‘both’ unnecessarily. You should have written ‘both of them’ instead of ‘they decided to both’. Moreover, you have also made some unnecessary word inclusion mistakes. For example, you state, â€Å"Therefore, despite the strength and better position in which the opponents of Katniss are in† (Alajmi 4). In this sentence, you did not need to include the word ‘in’ at the end of the sentence. Next, you did not introduce the friends of Katniss properly. For example, you just wrote about the kind of care that Katniss gave to Peeta. You did not introduce her at all. Repetition of ideas is another problem that I have found in you paper. For example, you talked about Katniss as a celebrity in paragraph no. 7, as well as in paragraph no. 9. Both paragraphs presented the same idea. You should avoid this in future. You have also made an error in the header section. There should be three spaces between the surname and the page number in the header. You have included only one space. You also need to correct your in-text references. Writing in MLA style, you need to indent the entire quote one inch from the left margin if the total number of words exceed from 40. You did not do this. Moreover, if you write in MLA style, there should be no comma between the last name of the author and the page number. For example, you wrote â€Å"†¦.† (Collins, 135). It should be â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Collins 135). Another thing is that you needed to include 5 direct quotes from the text. You have included just 4. You also need to correct the format of your reference, which you have included in the works cited section. You need to