Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Consumer Survey for Big Bazaar in Ncr - 777 Words

TITLE OF THE STUDY CONSUMER SURVEY FOR BIG BAZAAR IN NCR RATIONALE OF STUDY As customer’s tastes and preferences are changing, the market scenario is also changing from time to time. Today’s market scenario is very different from that of the market scenario before 1990. There have been many factors responsible for the changing market scenario. It is the changing tastes and preference of customer which has bought in a change in the market. Income level of the people has changed; life styles and social class of people have completely changed now than that of olden days. There has been a shift in the market demand in today’s world. Technology is one of the major factors which are responsible for this paradigm shift in the mark. New†¦show more content†¦5. To identify main competitors of Big Bazaar. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Technology, customers tastes and preferences play a vital role in today’s generation. Research Methodology is a set of various methods to be followed to find out various information regarding market strata of different products. Research Methodology is required in every industry for acquiring knowledge of their products. Area of study : - The study is exclusively done in the area of marketing. It is a process requiring care, sophistication, experience, business judgment, and imagination for which there can be no mechanical substitutes. Research Design : - Exploratory Research Sampling Design : - Non Probability sampling- Convenience sampling Sample Size : - 350 Customers Data Collection : - Data is collected from various customers through personal interaction. Specific questionnaire is prepared for collecting data. Data is collected with mere interaction and formal discussion with different respondents. Some other relevant information collected through secondary data Tools of Analysis : - The market survey about the techniques of marketing and nature of expenditure is carried out by personally interacting with the potential customers in Big Bazaar. EXPECTED CONTRIBUTION OF STUDY The study shows customers buying pattern with Big Bazaar in NCR area. Its provide guideline for further research in NCR area for organized retail. Research says aboutShow MoreRelatedRetailing and Modern Retail Formats6961 Words   |  28 Pagesthe Indian retail landscape. Consumer dynamics in India is also changing and the retailers need to take note of this and formulate their strategies and tactics to deliver the exact expected value to the customer. 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