Monday, December 23, 2019

The Dangers Of Secondhand Smoke - 1214 Words

Visualize a world where no one smoked, now how clean the air would be. Imagine the improvement over humanities overall health. Second hand smoke is smoke inhaled involuntarily from tobacco being smoked by others, which is currently a problem here in the United States. The General Surgeon of the United States Departments of Health and Human Services explains â€Å"Secondhand smoke causes approximately 7,330 deaths from lung cancer and 33,950 deaths from heart disease each year† (2014). Many incorporations, not just in the United States, but also all over the world are trying to raise awareness on the negative effects of secondhand smoke and are trying to put an end to smoking in general. In present date companies are trying their best to raise†¦show more content†¦Looking at the advertisement as a whole you can interpret that the main graphic in the image is the young boy, he is simply standing there with an innocent look on his face being choked. When you look closer you can see that the hand that is choking him is simply made out of smoke. Which is where the words across the bottom of the image come into play, â€Å"Your smoking harms your child† (Smokefree). Smokefree has already gained the viewers attention with the graphic meaning that from that point on they are thinking about the advertisement and the information showed. Advertisements have shown to be more effective when there is more of a connection made between the viewer and the topic. In this case, second hand smoking does harm your child. Although many parents that do smoke think that as long as their child is a couple feet away that it is fine to smoke but sadly it is not. The smoke that you are exhaling is going right into the air and being inhaled by your child, practically choking them. SmokeFree uses a small innocent child to add emotion into the advertisement, if they were to just put a picture of an adult or even an animal it wouldn’t make that much of an impac t as it does seeing an innocent child being choked by the smoke. Seeing a small innocent child being choked by the smoke is trying to reach out and show parents what is really happening to their small children. It’s different seeing a

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