Friday, November 29, 2019

South Africa Investments

The corresponding principles of the utilitarian benefits of Caltex plant creation was reckoned to be a violation of rights of some particular layers of the society of the past century. Racial prejudices became the greatest obstacle not only in interpersonal relations but also in the rapid developments of the building of the plant.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on South Africa Investments specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The management of Texaco and SoCal companies that jointly owned Caltex Petroleum Company thought that benefits should be expanded and remained in the country for the population. It highlighted improvement of the economic working conditions of blacks working for the company. They also committed to the implementation of the Sullivan principles drafted by an American reverend Deon Sullivan. The Investments in South Africa played an essential part in the development of certain benefits accrued to the m ajor population in South Africa. The Sullivan principles basically stated that there would be no racial segregation within the work premises, equal opportunities for employment for people of all races and equal pay for equal jobs regardless of race. The code also suggested increase majority holders of supervisory positions and welfare facilities for the non-white workers outside the work set up. The management of these companies was not ignorant to the fact that some of the principles would go against the law of segregation in the country. They pledged to use the required channels for any modifications required. All these good intentions for the majority groups were noble and good on paper but it was evident that their implementation would be impeded by the law of segregation in the country. Regardless of these new policies, the majority groups are still faced violation of rights and justice. The white government would still implement its laws barring Africans from becoming apprenti ces. Oppression in regard to job opportunities and payment of wages was not going to end seeing as how blacks and whites cold not hold equal positions. The principles were out to slightly improve conditions for the minority groups at the workplaces only. This would not greatly impact their lives since their basic rights had been denied in all aspects of their lives and from all the points of view.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They had no claim to the land they were born in, they could not vote for their leaders or hold mass action. The management of Texaco and SoCal would therefore not help improve the condition for majority groups in South Africa. Several resolutions were proposed by human rights activists. The first proposal was for Caltex to terminate its activities on South African soil. As a shareholder, I would have voted for this proposed resolution. The white gove rnment had been inflicting a tremendous amount of suffering on the majority groups. The rest of the world just watched seemingly helpless. The liberation of South Africa would have been achieved by collective responsibility of corporate organizations and the world at large. I believe a vote for this resolution would have ideally been a vote for the majority groups in the county. Though, it would probably have been criticized as a drastic measure, it would have certainly been called for given the extreme nature of the situation. It would have been a selfless and humane move that would have transformed South Africa. The second resolution asked Caltex not to sell the military or police of South Africa. I would have voted against. It was naive of the activists to imagine that the white government would have allowed that. The country was not in anarchy, and any corporation operating on South African land had to obey its laws. It would not also have prompted the government to liberate the majority but only achieved hostility given that it targeted government forces. The third proposal was asking the company to implement the Tutu principles. This proposal to me would have been more practical than the first and I would have voted for it. This is because it addressed the lives of the majority as a whole and not only their work related issues. It would ensure that the black people lived with their families, recognition of black labor unions, fair labor practices and investment in education. This would have made positive change in the lives of the majority.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on South Africa Investments specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The managers of Texaco and SoCal, I believe, would have responded differently to the proposed resolution. The management should have endorsed the proposal to terminate its activities in South Africa. They should have made the decision to leave the country wit hin a specified period of time. Within this period, they should have planned on where to relocate their business to. By doing so, they would have fulfilled their moral obligation to end oppression. By making the alternative business plan, they would have fulfilled their primary business objective which is to make profits for their stockholders. Management should also have considered the second proposal by issuing an ultimatum to the white government. This might be considered arm- twisting, but it would have enabled them fulfill their obligation to society. This could result in a situation whereby the need for negotiation and dialogue would have been inevitable. They would have gained a forum to address the plight of the majority in the country. This would have brought them a step closer to liberation Tutu’s conditions should have been a primary objective to management more so because it involved different aspects of the lives of the black people. Texaco and SoCal should have led by example and adopted these conditions. This would probably have been an incentive to other corporations in South Africa to do the same. It would have been a milestone in the liberation of the country. They would have gone down in history as having initiated positive change in South Africa. The entire management of the Caltex Company has a wide range of duties that lie in the basis of ensuring the impacts of and for stockholders. It has a responsibility to its consumers and society at large.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It has a duty to its consumers to ensure high quality goods and services, provide after-sale services and adequate product information. To the society, management has the responsibility to support development projects and help in environmental conservation efforts. There is also provision of recreational facilities. Management should think twice before making the corresponding decisions as for the development of the company and do not pay much attention to the investments but act according to the most possibly successful criteria. It should therefore also seek to act responsibly to its society. It should abide to the business code of ethics and seek the good of everyone in its environs. Management should not turn a blind eye to issues such as political instability and oppression. By doing so, it will gain the goodwill of people that in turn may contribute to the success of the business enterprise. This essay on South Africa Investments was written and submitted by user Rashad Gomez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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