Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Consumer Survey for Big Bazaar in Ncr - 777 Words

TITLE OF THE STUDY CONSUMER SURVEY FOR BIG BAZAAR IN NCR RATIONALE OF STUDY As customer’s tastes and preferences are changing, the market scenario is also changing from time to time. Today’s market scenario is very different from that of the market scenario before 1990. There have been many factors responsible for the changing market scenario. It is the changing tastes and preference of customer which has bought in a change in the market. Income level of the people has changed; life styles and social class of people have completely changed now than that of olden days. There has been a shift in the market demand in today’s world. Technology is one of the major factors which are responsible for this paradigm shift in the mark. New†¦show more content†¦5. To identify main competitors of Big Bazaar. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Technology, customers tastes and preferences play a vital role in today’s generation. Research Methodology is a set of various methods to be followed to find out various information regarding market strata of different products. Research Methodology is required in every industry for acquiring knowledge of their products. Area of study : - The study is exclusively done in the area of marketing. It is a process requiring care, sophistication, experience, business judgment, and imagination for which there can be no mechanical substitutes. Research Design : - Exploratory Research Sampling Design : - Non Probability sampling- Convenience sampling Sample Size : - 350 Customers Data Collection : - Data is collected from various customers through personal interaction. Specific questionnaire is prepared for collecting data. Data is collected with mere interaction and formal discussion with different respondents. Some other relevant information collected through secondary data Tools of Analysis : - The market survey about the techniques of marketing and nature of expenditure is carried out by personally interacting with the potential customers in Big Bazaar. EXPECTED CONTRIBUTION OF STUDY The study shows customers buying pattern with Big Bazaar in NCR area. Its provide guideline for further research in NCR area for organized retail. Research says aboutShow MoreRelatedRetailing and Modern Retail Formats6961 Words   |  28 Pagesthe Indian retail landscape. Consumer dynamics in India is also changing and the retailers need to take note of this and formulate their strategies and tactics to deliver the exact expected value to the customer. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Dangers Of Secondhand Smoke - 1214 Words

Visualize a world where no one smoked, now how clean the air would be. Imagine the improvement over humanities overall health. Second hand smoke is smoke inhaled involuntarily from tobacco being smoked by others, which is currently a problem here in the United States. The General Surgeon of the United States Departments of Health and Human Services explains â€Å"Secondhand smoke causes approximately 7,330 deaths from lung cancer and 33,950 deaths from heart disease each year† (2014). Many incorporations, not just in the United States, but also all over the world are trying to raise awareness on the negative effects of secondhand smoke and are trying to put an end to smoking in general. In present date companies are trying their best to raise†¦show more content†¦Looking at the advertisement as a whole you can interpret that the main graphic in the image is the young boy, he is simply standing there with an innocent look on his face being choked. When you look closer you can see that the hand that is choking him is simply made out of smoke. Which is where the words across the bottom of the image come into play, â€Å"Your smoking harms your child† (Smokefree). Smokefree has already gained the viewers attention with the graphic meaning that from that point on they are thinking about the advertisement and the information showed. Advertisements have shown to be more effective when there is more of a connection made between the viewer and the topic. In this case, second hand smoking does harm your child. Although many parents that do smoke think that as long as their child is a couple feet away that it is fine to smoke but sadly it is not. The smoke that you are exhaling is going right into the air and being inhaled by your child, practically choking them. SmokeFree uses a small innocent child to add emotion into the advertisement, if they were to just put a picture of an adult or even an animal it wouldn’t make that much of an impac t as it does seeing an innocent child being choked by the smoke. Seeing a small innocent child being choked by the smoke is trying to reach out and show parents what is really happening to their small children. It’s different seeing a

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Case About Rf and Tatarstan Delegation of Authorities Free Essays

THE CASE ABOUT RF AND TATARSTAN DELEGATION OF AUTHORITIES 1. Why Tatarstan was succeeded to be the â€Å"elected† region in terms of its’ authorities? As far as I could understand, the reasons why Tatarstan was chosen for delegation of Authorities and this Agreement are mostly historical. Historical and political preconditions of Tatarstan turned in such way, that Russian Federation and Tatarstan were nearly in equal position. We will write a custom essay sample on The Case About Rf and Tatarstan Delegation of Authorities or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, Tatarstan was independent co-founder of USSR, Tatarstan Tatarstan did not participate in election of State Duma in December 1993, Tatarstan did not sign the Federative Agreement in 1992. This shows the level of independence of Tatarstan from Russian Federation. In my opinion, Tatarstan was not very powerful republic, thus, to keep on developing it needed an alliance. It had political independence, but in terms of resources and power it did not have much. Russia, on the other hand, wanted to avoid appearance of another country just in the very heart of it. To avoid repeat of Chechnya Case, Russian Authorities decided to change the way they behave about it. Instead of gaining power using military forces, Russian Federation took the way of diplomacy and political alliance. Thus, we can say that both sides needed this agreement, bith sides could benefit from it, but in my opinion, Tatarstan would need it more than Russia, in the case of different location. 2. Suggest some more or less objective criteria to select regions for establishing special favorable regime of relations with the federal center. This question in my point of view cannot have theoretical solution, because in any different case there would be new accomplishments and new terms, that would challenge the theory pretty much. But still, some tips could be defined. I think that in century of innovations and technological development, very important aspect would be potential rate of development of the region. It’s not important how much the region is developed, it’s much more vital – how can we develop it. In what way we can grow industry, or culture or trade or any other side of life of country. This criterion is very subjective, I understand this, but this is more an advantage than a disadvantage. Because government should realize itself, for what reason it needs the region, why it is necessary to develop favorable relations with this or that region, in what way it could be profitable. From history of Russian Empire we know examples of having totally useless for Empire regions (Poland) and caused a lot of trouble in tries to keep it quiet and not rebelling. 3. What is the author’s opinion on respect of whether special delegation of authorities between Tatarstan and RF is a good thing? Do you agree with him and why? On example of RF and Tatarstan Agreement we can see how idea of federal construction, integration and decentralization actually works. Author has very positive opinion about creating decentralized country and going on forward in development of this way. I do not have any real opinion about this, but if we look at 70 years of centralized country, and look at what do we have to suffer afterwards, I would say that decentralization is the right way to develop country federal structure, so that all the knowledge and all the experience is circulating among regions, and let develop the weak. How to cite The Case About Rf and Tatarstan Delegation of Authorities, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Human Factors And The Weekend Pilot Essay Example For Students

Human Factors And The Weekend Pilot Essay If any area of aviation could benefit from realistic and workable human factors solutions, its the area of general aviation (GA) and the weekend pilot. Many of the aircraft flow by the weekend pilot are older and do not have the benefits of modern flight deck design. However, the demands on these pilots, as far as maintaining radio contact with air traffic control and operating their aircraft in crowded airspace has increased. Air traffic control is generally speaking, less tolerant of the weekend pilot, yet this type of GA pilot is expected to perform as expeditiously as the pilot who flies for a living. Human factors research and design needs to be applied to the weekend pilots operating environment with the same vigor as it is applied to the rest of the aviation system. Some positive changes have been made. Visual charts or maps, which the weekend pilot uses to help navigate in visual flight conditions, have become user friendly. High traffic areas are color-coded for easy identification (and avoidance). Visual flight corridors, where weekend pilots can navigate through high traffic areas and around busy commercial airports, are also clearly marked for ease of use. This type of map design has clear human factors design inputs. Graphics (color and print) are quickly recognizable by the pilot to minimize the time the pilot spends on information processing. Less cognitive