Friday, May 22, 2020

Classical Music And The Music - 868 Words

Classical composer Robert Schuman once said, To send light into the darkness of men s hearts-- such is the duty of the artist. Classical music is composed with such emotion it can leave an audience stricken with feelings after hearing a movement. The key is the emotion behind the music. It leaves listeners to wonder what was going on during that time in a composer’s life. Whether it was joyful and happy or depressing and dark, the audience wants to know the motive behind the composition of music. Classical radio stations are the perfect place to enjoy the music that started it all Classical radio stations are a way to sit down and relax while listening to soothing music. The broadcaster s calming voices makes it easier for the listener to transition from each piece of music to the next. Opposed to radio stations who play pop or rock, the announcers talk softly. The radio stations who play top 40 playlists normally yell and are excitable. Classical announcers are soothing and relaxed making the music flow smoothly. The ads on the stations normally pertained to the artist being played or the station itself. Colorado Public Radio advertised an ad for Beethoven s greatest hits. They also were self-promoting the station in order to get the listeners to donate. If you donated, you got a chance to win a trip to Prague, a place where many musical greats studied and played music. The ads on pop stations tend to advertise local businesses and products that pertain toShow MoreRelatedClassical Music And The Music1478 Words   |  6 Pagesattention of everyone in th e music hall. The conductor, Evan Feldman, and the UNC Symphonic and Woodwind Orchestra at Memorial Hall elegantly performed several classical pieces that was widely enjoyed by classical enthusiasts and family members. The concert supplied the audience with a night that at times, brought calmness and serenity, but at others gave abrupt aggression and force. Today, classical music is considered traditional and one of the earliest forms of music played in concert halls. ThusRead MoreMusic And Classical Music874 Words   |  4 PagesClassical music has been around for centuries, beginning ever since people could put notes onto paper. The art of fully notating and performing compositions shaped classical music to become iconic pieces in modern day society. This music can be defined in many ways; one specifically is categorizing it as the â€Å"common practice period.† The Oxford Dictionary of Music uses this term to define a period encompassing the baroque (1600-1750), classic ( 1750-1830), and romantic (1830-1900) eras. Between theRead MoreMusic Vs. Classical Music916 Words   |  4 PagesClassical Music How often do you listen to music while you’re studying to try to make the task more entertaining? Students regularly listen to music while studying as a way to help them stay engaged in studying (Beentjes, Koolstra, van der Voort, 1996). Well, based on what music you listen to, you may actually be hindering yourself rather than helping. When students listen to classical music while they are studying it has many beneficial effects. It has positive body influences, it activatesRead MoreClassical Music And The Era Of Music1646 Words   |  7 Pagessomeone mentioned classical music or music for the heroic era you knew very little to nothing about the subject. The only thing you knew was that it was music from a long time ago and that Beethoven was the only artist you could name. So, let me enlighten you on what classical music is and the era it comes from. The term classical is something that has a wide and long-lasting appeal. In music, when a piece was written from between ab out 1750 to 1825 it was considered classical or from the BaroqueRead MoreThe Effects Of Classical Music On Music785 Words   |  4 PagesHow to start listening to classical music and enjoy it. The love of classical music is not dead; it’s still active(alive?) in the sense that it is dying. To start listening to classical music, the concept is quite simple actually, you first must press play on whatever music playing device you have and make special note that it be classical music. Although the action to doing it is elementary, there are other factors you have to consider. For example: motivation, electricity/internet, and your moodRead MoreThe Effects Of Classical Music On Music931 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is defined as â€Å"good† or â€Å"real† music? How does an individual come to define that? Many would say that classical music is â€Å"real† music since it is the basis of music that is created today and it has lasted through time. It is still heard today, one of the first types of music to last. Others may strongly disagree; even though it has stood the test of time what actually makes this the sole definition of â€Å"good† music? It doesn’t, there really is not a true universal definition. There are multipleRead MoreClassical Music And Modern Music2002 Words   |  9 Pages Classical tradition in modern music Nowadays, modern music has created more colorful styles and each of the branch has their own personality. Different forms of music are all the responses to the modern world. It seems like the modern music has a great difference from the classical music. But all the modern music’s creation are on the basic of classical music. They have so many advantages to be the reference. Many good composers are in the shadow of the classical music. We couldRead MoreClassical Music Vs. Modern Music1001 Words   |  5 Pagesexpression for European and American music, of the more serious kind, as opposed to popular folk music,† is the ‘Classical Music’ definition according to the New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy (Houghton Mifflin Company). It appears that finding a common description for a musical phenomenon, that’s been around since the Medieval Period, is much easier said than done. I must admit that prior to taking this course, I fell victim to assuming all classical music is dense and contained very little diversityRead MoreSimilarities Between Music And Classical Music921 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom the Classical Era. Classical music originated in Ancient Egypt but as time went by in became less popular. Then around the late 1700`s it became very popular in areas of the world like Europe, Italy, Austria, Germany. The period from 1750 to 1810 was known as the Viennese Classic. Classical music is kind of western music with a twist. At this point in time art literature was very popular, so when people first heard of classical music they were very interested in it. Classical music is veryRead MoreThe Influence of Classical Music on Modern Music1064 Words   |  4 PagesHow does the classical music influence the modern music? Classical music influence the modern music by styles`s creation, composing and rhythm ,also many artists use elements of classical music in their work, and some choose to quote or replicate it directly. For example,Walter Murphy’s disco hit â€Å"A Fifth of Beethoven† samples Beethoven’s Symphony No.5. The following picture shows The first 5 section is actually quoted from the Beethoven`s sample. It gained a great reaction. There is another

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